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Floss leader

Cliftonville Ladies had been expecting to be savouring the cut and thrust of the new Danske Bank Women’s Premiership season by now but, with the 2020 campaign rescheduled to commence next month, they’re on an eagerly anticipated countdown to a return.

Their ongoing wait does, however, present us with an opportunity to get to know the players who will be donning the Red shirt during the campaign ahead and today concludes a weekly series profiling the team’s star performers – with newcomer Clare Carson taking centre stage on this occasion.

Nickname: Carsy or Flosser.

Position: Originally a striker but these days who knows?

Dream job: I’m fortunate enough to work in Girls’ Football, does it get any better than that? If so, teaching.

Favourite coach: Mervyn Montgomery has to be up there, I learned so much under him, but Sandy Shaw got me involved in my teens and I still have the utmost respect for her.

Favourite food: Mexican.

Football team you support: Manchester United.

Footballing idol growing up: Ryan Giggs.

First football match you ever attended: My memory doesn’t go back that far but the most memorable was when United beat Arsenal 8-2 at Old Trafford in the 2011/12 season.

What’s one thing most people don’t know about you?: If they don’t know it, there must be a reason so we will leave it at that.

Do you have any hidden talents?: Ask Marissa about my GCSE Music exams… some set of lungs on me!

If you had to be self-isolated with one person from your team who would it be?: As I’ve only got to know them all in the last few months, it definitely wouldn’t be Megan Weatherall. We are non-stop chatty so that would not work. Anyone that could cope with my constant talking, really. Maybe Marissa as she has to put up with me already in work.

What do you love most about being a Cliftonville player?: As I’ve only been with the squad from January, I have to say that it feels like I haven’t been anywhere else. Everyone is so welcoming and I just fitted right in from the beginning. With such a wide range of ages throughout the squad, everyone always loves a good mess-about but I also love how everyone always pushes each other in training.