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Be on the ball

We’re reliably informed that all Cliftonville fans have birthdays scheduled for 2021 – so why not treat them to the unique gift of Matchball Sponsorship?

For just £80, you can take out sponsorship for an upcoming home fixture in a friend’s name and ensure that, in addition to being celebrated as an Official Matchday Partner, they receive a valuable memento of the occasion after the game.

The Club place on record our thanks to all of our Match and Matchball Sponsors for their generous backing and remind supporters that further sponsorship opportunities remain available at homes games throughout the 2020/21 season.

Match Sponsorship costs just £250, while the Matchball can be obtained for £80 and anyone interested in joining us as a Matchday Partner at Solitude is invited to discuss opportunities by emailing

2020/21 Sponsorship Packages

Match Sponsorship: Become the sole sponsor of a home fixture for £250
Matchball Sponsorship: Help support the Club on matchdays by putting your name to the ball for £80.
Matchday Magazine: Advertise in The Red Eye, where costs start at £50.
Website: Engage with our online followers from just £50 per season.